
February 4, 2008

The Last Bite

"Probably the difference between man and the monkeys is that the monkeys are merely bored, while man has boredom plus imagination."
--Lin Yutang
If you like something, do you want more and more of it? Most people generally believe that to be the case. Money, sex, food, friends, free time; in general, the pleasures of life that bring us happiness. But sometimes actually having more of that thing we like doesn't leave us as satisfied as having one less of that thing and wanting one more.

Think about it. Experiencing that mental and emotional desire of meeting a budgetary goal, enjoying a romantic night with your beloved, and craving that last bite of dessert is much more potent than getting as much of those things as we want. You meet a challenge, distance does make the heart grow fonder and too much dessert is bad for you. Its what whets your appetite for more that's enjoyable, not binging on your favorite dish (which just leaves you feeling bloated and sick).

This can be applied. Next time, get one less scoop of ice cream than you want, have one less drink, stop before you're full, spend five minutes less in the shower, get home a little earlier from the bar, watch one less hour of TV. You'll keep craving that activity to the point when you just have to have all of it. And that's one of the greatest feelings in the world.