

Over the last decade, I have worked with 1,200-bed hospitals to 15-person product companies on developing and executing successful strategies that lead to rapid bottom line growth and also support the overall mission and future vision of the organization. As Simon Sinek notes in his TED talk on How Great Leaders Inspire Action"People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it."

Linking the "why" with the "what" is critical to building a legacy organization. It's what I will help you do.

My background has involved wearing various hats. I've been a Financial Analyst, an Administrative Manager, an IT Consultant, an Executive Vice President and a Chief Strategist. I've often been hired as a consultant by the same organization I left as an employee.

For some reason, advice resonates more from the outside than the inside of a company. Knowing this, I help identify future leaders within an organization to cultivate a culture of continual innovation. There is no reason new ideas have to come from the outside, they're usually right under your nose.

In 2011, I co-founded a company called Medical Avatar, which I still run along with 4 other business partners. Medical Avatar develops mobile apps for hospitals and insurance companies to enhance patient engagement using an interactive body-based navigation system.

I regularly run workshops on mindfulness and coach career changers on how to transition into a new career or start a business. I also speak to college students about developing greater self-awareness and confidence.

I received my Bachelors of Science in Human Development and Masters in Health Administration from Cornell University, as well as a Masters in Economics from the University at Buffalo.

In my spare time, I read, write, cook, and travel whenever the opportunity presents itself.

Connect with me on social media or email me directly.