
May 24, 2008

Own What You Do

To buy or rent is a decision we all come across some time in our lives, usually in terms of cars or houses. Yet if asked, "Do you own your life?", the concept is a little more elusive. Ask an entrepreneur or independent contractor this question, and you will get a straight response; yes! In fact, its the question. The one that motivated them to produce, create, start something of their own. But that's just one way of looking at it.

We all own something (immaterial, of course!), whether we're aware of it or not. Its the thing we truly feel we have the power to effect, with a response equal to our will to effect it. Whatever it may be - leisure time, work schedule, planning the company picnic or the next major funding initiative - it should be acknowledged. Its an extremely self-empowering exercise!

What you discover through this process is that its all about how you approach it. The attitude you bring to the table. How many times have I heard, "same shit, different day" or "maybe I'll win the lotto this time". These are really defeatist statements. They shape your psyche and send a negative signal to those around you.

Bottomline: When you own what you do, you can take charge of the simplest daily routine with purpose in mind. Whether that purpose is change, growth, or maintenance doesn't matter. You simply believe in it more, because you're not renting your spot. As an employee, a father, a brother a husband. Any cap you wear applies.