
January 8, 2012

Movie Review: Pina

Pina is a cathartic experience. It pulls at you. I felt like I was going through a fight or flight experience half the time I was watching it. Not because I was stressed, but because I wanted to be involved. I wanted to do something. There was an urgency to it.

When you see such open expression repeating itself again and again, it's no surprise that it primes you to be openly expressive yourself. I didn't quite want to dance, but I did want to move, do something, yell out.

It was the kind of movie where you expect to blink your eyes and see the audience suddenly erupt in the same form of dance that's on the screen. I wouldn't have been shocked if I saw dancers synchronously moving down the side aisles. In fact, I'm a little disappointed it wasn't part of the 3D experience.

It's satisfying to know that an entire group of people are thinking and doing something so different from what you normally encounter. It reminds me of when I was doing bhangra and dancing 6,000 audience shows and I would meet people who had no idea what bhangra was. The world seems incredibly big sometimes.

I appreciate movies and books for so many reasons, but this has to go back to the root of their origin. To introduce. To reveal the unknown in an awesome way.

The trailer itself is beautiful and what it should be, a tease to entice you to the full experience.