
November 23, 2007

The Resistance Evolution

What a shocking read! Stephen R. Palumbi's article talks about antibiotic and HIV resistance to drugs and plant and insect resistance to pesticides. Here are some stats:

That's about a 14 year difference between the year resistance was developed and the year the antibiotic or herbicide was deployed. This was written in 2001 by the way! Imagine where the cycle is now, 7 years later.

Here's the kicker:
"Up to one-third of U.S. pediatricians report overprescribing antibiotics to assuage patient concerns, particularly in cases of viral childhood congestions that cannot respond to the drug (32)."
I wonder how patients will respond when they find out they received not just a placebo which didn't do anything, but an actual drug that will now work less effectively if they have a bacterial infection.