
August 9, 2012

Links to begin understanding the triple bottom line

Here are three links that I've sent out at least 50 times over the last few months. Might as well throw them out there for anyone who's interested.

1. The Empathic Civilization (youtube video) - Jeremy Rifkin explains how we all have mirror neurons that light up when we see someone going through an experience, like eating chocolate or seeing a spider on their arm, in the same way as if we were going through that experience ourselves. Another example, when one baby cries in a nursery, all the other babies start crying as well. We're soft-wired for empathy: homo-empathicus.

2. Resilient Communities - This is the torch that John Robb lit, but really, it's a common sense reaction to when we think, "Why aren't we already living this way?". Who knows, but the idea of resiliency is simplifying self-reliance on a community level. Right now, it's attracting people on the extreme, but the message will trickle down in a packaged way soon enough.

3. Capitalism 3.0 - Otto Scharmer presented this paper in 2009 and since then he's started a company and perhaps a movement around replacing ego-systems with eco-systems that look at financial, political, social and environmental benefits as equal. He goes beyond the theoretical and works with organizations to make these ideas a reality.