
November 14, 2007

Physicians, Patients and Online Video

iHealthBeat recently featured an article called, "DrTube: Physicians Tap Online Video To Communicate With Patients". Click on the link to directly view it.

The paradigm shift in physician thinking from independent contractor to entrepreneur is a key point in the article. Connecting with patients on their level, assessing demand for services and supplying to that demand in simple terms is basic marketing but a relatively new concept in modern medicine.

Here's the bottomline:

  • Seeing is believing, so utilize online video to educate, discuss and connect with your patients
  • Personalize your practice by giving patients an inside view even before they come to your office
  • Help patients connect to each other through online support groups and video forums
Advertising in health care results in two money transfers. One, it reduces cost to the consumer since an informed patient makes better choices. And two, it increases willingness to pay for the same informed patient who now feels more comfortable with the service he/she is receiving.

Overall, information transparency contributes to the passive dialogue that occurs prior to the actual patient visit. This is a great strategy for attracting new patients and building a stronger physician-patient relationship.