
September 14, 2008

A Tribute to Patience

Patience is a practiced skill.  It deserves particular mention because it serves as the backbone and precursor to many other positive character traits - kindness, compassion, respect, honesty, etc.  When you're on the road and get cut off, or waiting in a long line to check out, or in the midst of an argument, patience provides a balanced perspective from which to take further action.  

Prioritizing respect (towards others), for example, isn't going to do much when you feel disrespected in a heated argument.  Your view of respect is totally subjective.  So when someone disrespects you, how are they to know you'd feel that way?  Knowing this puts you on shaky ground to begin with.  You end up fighting back with what you for a fact know will be disrespectful to the other person.  All of a sudden you've lost your original priority.  And on top of that, you eventually feel guilty about your actions.  Same goes with kindness, compassion or even honesty.  They're all subject to, well, subjectivenes.

Not so with patience.  It's independent of one's idea of it.  Why?  Because there's no real beginning or end point, no benchmark for comparison, no real action that can be taken to refute it.  To be exact, impatience isn't disturbing to those who are patient.  They're willing to wait it out.