
April 15, 2008

Bloggers Galore!

I spend a whole bunch of time reading a wide variety of blogs. So much so that (like email) I had to force myself to limit my blog reading to specific times during the day. A quick check of google reader can sometimes lead to a 2 hour wayward session out in the blogosphere. Below are a few bloggers I keep up with and mostly discovered through my random traverses.

1. My friend, Deep, started blogging around the beginning of the year. She offers a unique, personal perspective on (actually living) life as a med student. Her idea of doctors using twitter to keep in regular touch with their patients is just brilliant!

2. Cameron's commented on my blog several times. His blog is filled with pointers on relationships, fitness, and life in general. Here's one of my favorite posts.

3. If you're interested in health care IT, John Halamka's your man. He's professionally involved in an array of things, from being a CIO of a hospital system to ice climbing to playing the Japanese flute. This post gives you a humorous, insider perspective into what he's all about.

4. Jason Shafrin, the healthcare economist, is running a great segment comparing health care systems around the world. If you're interested, here's France, the first in his series.

5. If you can keep up with Tyler Cowen, then subscribe to marginal revolution. His interests are varied, but the common theme is economics. I learn something everyday from his posts!