
April 14, 2008

Monday Afternoon Recap

Here's a few interesting things I came across over the weekend & this morning.

1. Hospital Compare went up late March. See if your hospital is there. The site still has a long way to go though on useful metrics.

2. Study finds link between drinking and breast cancer (for post menopausal women). I'll give this finding about 2 years before its refuted. I have no clinical research experience to speak of, but research news over the past 5 years certainly doesn't boast a great track record.

3. It was hard to miss this article on rising co-payments for drugs if you opened up the NYTimes this morning. The anecdotes are disheartening and the sad fact is that after decades of highly subsidized drug prices, we're only now being faced with the real costs of innovation. Longer life and better health come with a big price tag.

4. On a lighter note, check out Clear, an ezpass for airport security!

5. Also, I saw this on a friend's key chain the other day. What a great way to keep your favorite pictures with you all the time. And its cheaper than those wallet-size shots!